Mwahahaha. i don't know why when i got addicted to something, i'll always imagine that on my mind. I always put a new char which is it's...... Ehem me.
By the way, have a great new year's eve ♥
Enough Said! ;)
May all your dreams come true :*
Hihi wish we're still on duomate things till the end of time :p
Did you watch AFF final last night?
Leg 1: 3-0 for Malaysia
Leg 2: 2-1 for Indonesia.
Too bad Indonesia haven't win it yet. But, maaaan! It was a good good match. Oh. It's more than just good. Best? Awesome.
Even we're not the first winner for it but, our-lovely-football-team already did their best.
We love you, guys.
We love you ♥
Riedl, you're cool, man! ♥
Bachdim, BP, Nasuha, Bustomi, Markus, Okto, Eka, Maman, Ridwan, Yongki, etc.
Riedl, stay there. Keep Riedl as a coach! ♥
INDONESIA *id* *id* ♥
Here we go with this lyric ;)
While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it, I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it
My feet have been on the floor flat like an idle singer
Remember winger, I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life
But I'm afraid when I hear stories about a husband and wife
There's no happy endings, no Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather that flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me
Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy you everything except cologne 'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'Cause it is we can laugh, we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad that we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather that flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me
You can move in, I won't ask where you've been
'Cause everybody has a past
When we're older we'll do it all over again
When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it, I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather that flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me
And, you've been doing this for kazillion times. Can you realize? Even only for just lil bit?
Intinya. Gue ngulang itu semua. Dan sekarang baru jadi sekitar 4 halaman. -_-
Semangat, Videe!
Xoxo ;))
I'm on holidays rite now :p hm a week. I'm craving for hanging out around but i don't wanna waste my money only for things that i don't like.
And please, use your brain. It's not what you said. I can't stop laughing.
Have you ever have some dreams that unreachable? I did. And i always do.
I didn't ever tell to anyone about it cause it's lil bit ehm..... crazy.
Uh i mean, it's not that crazy. I just kinda don't have that skill in it. I ever ask my parents to take me into that skill. Hm actually, in my deepest heart, my deepest brain, and also my deepest mind, i still want to be that. I really wanna be that. No need a desk for work. Or at least my writer dreams can be reached. God, please bless me to be all i want to be.
I just watched a cool movie. Tron Legacy.
Cool one. I just think, how can they create that movie. Hail technology ♥
And, i want to watch Narnia so bad. Huhu. Kinda late? Yes. Huhuhu.
Iklan susu.
So, the one in their mind that could take it is only ME? For God shake, are you sure mom? dad? Don't you have a heart? Oh i almost forgot that your heart is already fullfiled by the golden boy. Whatever i do, still he's the one, he's the best, he's the only one!!!
Don't you realize that i do try SO HARD to make you proud even since I'm at elementary school. My score's never bad. What about him? Bad. Middle only. Why don't you see it?
And now you think I'm the only one that can take that? Or should i remind you that I'm ur child too? I feel disappointed with you. I give up. It's up to you to judge me. I think you did never think about me, rite?
Everybody needs time to show that he or she's never leaving.
Everybody should approve how bad and how good her/his friends.
No matter too good or too bad they are, there's no one can replace them.
Problems should make friendship stronger.
Sorry and forgive is allowed.
That's what's friends are for ;)
Maaaan, word, maaaan! Cute, isn't it?
Oh my, it's not only cute but it's super-uber-ultra-CUTE! ♥
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What a cute bear! I love you, Pooh! You're the cutest bear ever! ♥
Several days before i went to Jogja, i saw a short story competition. I decided to join it even i haven't finish to write that short story cause i don't have any collection that fit with its theme.
I just wrote 3 paragraph of it when i was on the train ;)
Wish me luck :*
Videe ♥
I'm just tired even my face will talk like i have 100% battery. The fact is i only have 10% of power. Honestly
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you holding hands, standing close to someone else
Now I sit all alone wishing all my feeling was gone
I gave my best to you, nothing for me to do
But have one last cry
One last cry, before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you outta my mind this time
Stop living a lie
I guess I'm down to my last cry
I was here, you were there
Guess we never could agree
While the sun shines on you
I need some love to rain on me
Still I sit all alone, wishing all my feeling was gone
Gotta get over you, nothing for me to do
But have one last cry
One last cry, before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you outta my mind this time
Stop living a lie
I know I gotta be strong
Cause round me life goes on and on and on
And on.....
I'm gonna dry my eyes
Right after I had my
One last cry
One last cry, before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you outta my mind for the very last time
Been living a lie
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down...
To my last cry...
I'm on a project now.
I wish this one won't be stop by anything. Haha i had a bad habit to stop 'this' caused by mood swinging. I don't want this one ended like the last last one. I don't want.
So, pray for me..
And for those who want to help me, i need you by my side, guys. Push me up! Don't lemme down! Push me!!! So i can't stop this till finish, till this find its home ;)
Love, videe ♥
My bad -_- it's wrong type.
It should be 'Actually, i already read all of them'
Xoxo, videe ♥
How was your saturday? Mine is busy and good.
I'll tell you in bahasa:
Hm sabtu gue disibukkan dengan pagi pagi berangkat menuju rumahnya sepupu gue. Mbak eyi.
Anyway, congrats mbak Eyi dan kak Gatot. So happy for you both ;) Langgeng sampe akhir hayat yah kalian ;)
Pagi itu gue dateng ke akad nikahnya sepupu gue bareng mamski papski bude bude. Dimskiw sibuk di senayan karna dia ikutan kejurda marching band. Jadilah gue jam 1 pulang ke rumah dan langsung mandi dan siap-siap ke senayan.
Jam 3 berangkat ke senayan bersama papskiw menembus hujan (halah). Mamski and bude jg berangkat ke rumah mbak Eyi lagi karna acara resepsinya mau mulai.
And, tim 78 keren!!!
Mereka menang 7 piala 2 medali. Semuanya juara 3 (kayaknya).
Congrats! ;)
How's ur saturday, blogsbum? Busy like me?
Videe ♥
We Need Money!
We Need Money!
We Need Money!
We Need Money!
We Need Money!
My friend and i made it on tuesday :p
Hihi we need money.
Oh man, why do i only have 100k when i desperately need 1000k -_-" it hurts -_-"
Let's collect!
Let's searching for another job again..
I'm a desperate job seeker and i desperately need money :p
My black bag, yes my college bag was broken -_-" it can't be closed. Haha
It's time to buy new one! Hahaha i wish. I want to go to mall with momskiw but i don't know when. Cause we're freaking busy on saturday. Hhhhh golden boy! -_-"
Ah by the way, i just decided to collect my money to buy harrypotter's boxset! Haha it's about 1000k :'( my bad, i only have 100k -_-" it's so far far far away from it. :"(
Anyone want to help meh? :p
If i had a problem or i got angry, i can't let my angryness go out of my self. I just can crying. Or write it on a paper only.
That's why you wouldn't ever see me angry with you. It gives more effect on heart, feeling, brain, mind, etc.
I don't know why.
I don't get the reason.
Oh may be it because i know how does it feel.
I mean, i know how people will feel if someone get angry with them.
Xoxo, videe
Hm gonna watch it for the third time? May be hahaha. -_-"
Why i love this movie so damn much?
Yah it's like you who are fanatic with ur fave football club. :p
Ps: I'm a desperate job seeker.
Videe ♥
Our menu of lunchi lunch between me and Retta.
Mine is: Sirloin Steak
Retta: Tenderloin Steak
And we both are having fun with our Special Chocolate Milkshake! Woohoo ♥
Don't you think it's so yummie :3
It was a cool and awesome movie (as always).
Even, it has a thing that make this movie different with several series before.
This series have similarity-thingy with it books which is only oh my it's only a lil thing!!
Means: dibanding film film sebelumnya, seri yg kali ini nggak terlalu nyimpang dari seri di bukunya! Woohooo! ♥
Nggak terlalu banyak pemotongan bagian-bagian penting di ceritanya. Bahkan yah nggak gitu terasa-lah pemotongannya. Cool! I'll always your number one fan, HarryPotter! ♥
Videe ♥
Kinda miss me? :p
Hehe yesterday (it was sunday) i went to EX, Plaza Indonesia with Rika. I met Windy there. And then fortunately met Foi. ;)
We watched cool-awesome-cute-great performances from the one and only TwentyFirst Night! Woohoo! \☺/
It was a fun fun fun day! ♥
And TwentyFirst Night is always be my favourite band! Hihi. I forgot how much they played. Hmm five songs i thought.
They played Tergila, Lemme Rock You, Wonderwall, and i forgot :p hahaha
Poor me, i didn't take many pictures of them cause I'm too busy to sing along them hahaha :p
You guys are great!!! ♥
guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, and their new vocalist are more than just awesome. I'll always be your fan, friend, lover hahaha ♥
And guess what, they will perform at my campuss! Hahaha. Let's join us :p
You're old. The Oldest One in home!
Don't ask why, cause I'm definitely a hard freak fan of it. ♥
Actually, i already know the whole story outside my head :p
I already read the whole novels for 651862741250963253 times :p
I love it!!
If you read the novels, you'll know how the story ended. It's cute! Super cute!!
Videe ♥
"Cara terbaik untuk jatuh cinta adalah mencintai seolah-olah kau belum pernah terluka sebelumnya"
- Heart Block novel
I need money soon.
Oh not soon, as soon as possible! Xoxo
Hahaha inspired by a friend.
Actually this story beside the real story. And it happened to my friend a year ago.
I wish this one will be accepted.
Videe ♥
Love love love :* ♥
Thanks babyyyyyyyy
With Kisses and hugs,
Videe ♥
There's nobody can understand me without i should explain.
There's nobody want to sit along and at least try to understand me.
I always try to be best friend of anyone. Even there's no one to try that hard for me.
Just keep on writing things on my diary and never been asked.
I'm a birthday girl today! :p
Thanks guys for all wishes, gifts ( from my parents, lil brother, and besties! :* ), and greets.
Aw so happy today! \☺/
Even, you guys (anas, retta, detria, della, noor, selly, any, ridha) made me look like a cake with all of your flour, egg, soy sauce, and i don't know what else -_-"
Thanks for you careness, friends :*
Love you all :*
And thanks for all of my other best friends, rika, pijjey, laras, windy, oh my should i explain one by one?! :p i love you all guys :* kisses and hugs from me :* :* :*
With love,
A nineteenth years old girl, Videe :* ♥
I'm going to tell you that.........
My midtests are already tshooo tshoo away :p \☺/ hahaha. Now I'm craving for hanging-out-thingy :p
And you can guess what I'm going to post here in spite of my post tittle, rite?! Yeah I'm in love with this guy for 52362139635136632622304718513 times hihi hahaha. He's a really awesome, handsome singer and also hm hm hm nyah! I lost my words to describe him :p
Can i have him for my birthday wish?! Hahahaha *jedagjedug* *ditabokin*
I love the way he sing a song.
It's more than just 'the best'. ♥
I wish.
Long time no long post, right?! :p
What's happening rite now?!
I'm really really craving for some new jobs. I really need to join that course. I can't ask my parents. I can't. Indirectly, I've asked them for several years ago. But, they rejected it (indirectly). Yah, i know. I didn't ever ask them slowly and ask them on serious conversation. I'm too scared to be rejected (again).
I think I've wrote it on my blog too. But (again) i won't ever let you know what course it is. Again, I'm too shy :p
So, that's why i need to get routine salary or money or yah some kinda like that.
Or should i throw my dream so far far away?! I've done it. But, it always comes back again to me. I can't totally forget it.
Help me to get it, please. #eh
And by the way, I'm on my mid-test week right now. 6 more subjects to go. Wish me luck for anything.
And by the way (again), I'm counting down my birthday this month. 18 november.
Wishes: great scores, new jobs, much money, that course, great prizes, surprises and other best things. xoxo
With love,
Videe ♥
Btw, it's been a long time, huh.
I miss writing thingy.
Btw, I'm on my mid-tests. Tomorrow, i'll have my first subject in this mid-tests. Wish me luck. Oh man, not a luck only i mean. Pray for me too yah *wink*
I wish my score better than the last last last. Increase, please ;)
So, see ya :)
#nowplaying: a great young male singer ♥
And....... I hate 'get well soon' word from now on -_-"
Except, you can make it better *wink
I was spending 150K -_- and yeah I'm a book freak-errr. Novels especially. And now, i need more money :'(
Karena kita tidak kenal is more than just cool story (y) thumbs up!! (y)
The 'heart block' novel is important for me. It writes about a writer's block. I need it to reduce my mood-swinging-thing ;) it works. I think new novels can reduce it :)
And you know what, the novel on the picture (in the middle) which covered by blue envelope is so sweet. In that envelope, there is a short letter and it says: "it's always been you"
Isn't it cute, huh?! ♥ xoxo
I think, I'm not comfort with this.
Yeah. I don't even want to be here since the first time.
Parents, that's the only one reason I'm here.
It's kinda long time no post ;)
I miss yaaaa :*
We're going to write bout my tittle but in my version okay.
Here we go,
Hujan VS Gerimis
Pernah denger tagline ini? » 'aku lebih suka gerimis, soalnya gerimis lebih romantis'
Tagline itu diambil dari filmnya BCL itu loh ;)
Dan yah bisa dibilang, sekarang cewek-cewek pada umumnya lebih suka gerimis gara-gara tagline romantis itu.
Tapi dulu pas SMA, mau se-booming apa kek itu tagline, gue nggak kepengaruh :p
Buat gue, gue lebih suka hujan. Yah hujan yg lebih deras lah.. (Psssst! Tapi nggak sampe banjir yah :p) soalnya itu bisa nenangin hati.
Sadar atau nggak, kalian pasti juga pernah kena efek si hujan. Contohnya: kalo ujan pasti enaknya tidur kan? Tidurnya pasti sejuk, adem, nyaman ;)
Dan buat gue, hujan adalah sarana yang pas buat nangis. Iya nangis, simple kan?
Gue mungkin orang yang cengeng dan gampang terharu kalo nonton film sedih di bioskop atau suka nangis ketakutan nonton film horor. Gampang nangis kalo ada yg nyakitin atau nyinggung. Tapi gue selalu nahan sampe nggak ada orang. Tapi disaat saat yg mesti gue tangisin dan ingin gue tangisin. Gue nggak bisa nangis. Cuma kayak numpuk didada dan nyesek.
Sejauh ini gue nggak pernah dipeluk buat bisa nangis kayak di sinetron jadi gue nggak tau itu berlaku buat gue atau nggak.
Tapi sejauh ini yang bisa buat gue lega yah ice cream dan hujan. Pura pura keluar aja dari rumah, pura pura keujanan, pasti gue bisa nangis dan pasti orang nyangka itu air hujan.
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And you'll see how unimportant it is for ya, but for me, it's different ;)
Since i was in the junior high school, i wanted to do this. I was so excited to grab this one at some courses. But, yeah i haven't talk too much with my parents. I just asked for this only several time. And may be, they didn't remember that i have ask for this one..
You know what, this one is my dream that i try to hide from anyone in my life. You'll never guess it what, why or how. Taking that course is still one-of-my-biggest-dream that everyone arround me doesn't know..
What's that?
Like I've said before, 'i try to hide from anyone in my life' ;)
Even i want you guys or at least my parents know it without telling them. Cause i want they know me well without asking me.
No. Comment. Please. xoxo
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Golden boy!
You get what you want!
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I need money to buy two things that i really want... I want it since 2 years ago...
I ever had one of them.. But it's no longer mine....
Only those things...
Can i?!
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I just hm don't know what to do on my 'long' holidays. Yeah actualy i have a lot of plans but $ didn't support me. Yeah. I'm craving for a simple job that only take place on weekend when holidays finished and the whole weekdays on the holidays came again. (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗--̩̩̩͡ ) help me.
I still need CMG$.
I wish you guys have a cute day :*
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May be you didn't know about this post's tittle. Yeah and i don't wanna tell you about that too :)
CMG$ are the things that i want.
I want CMG$ so much. Every letter will show you everything that i want. Ha! May be you only know the letter '$' yah?! Money of course :p
See ya on the next post, i don't wanna make this post become longer.
Videe ♥
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Umm i forgot to upload the picture and here it is....
Laras and yeah me (videe)
She used: green tees, flowery skirt and shoes (forgot) :p
I used: white tees (inside), flowery dress, jeans vest, grey converse shoes ;)
See ya on the next post :D
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Gue baru aja ngeliat blognya si lovely duomateku si laras. Dia ngepost soal kegiatan duo-ing kita rabu kemarin.
well, i'll post it again!
Jadi kita ketemuan di depan farmers sekitar jam 11 tapi pas gue nyampe, dia belom nyampe. Yaudah gue sibuk bbm dll dll deh. terus pas ketemu langsung cekikikan hahaha. Dan kita langsung otw ke lapiazza 21 hihi. Eclipse! wohooo.
Sedikit ngereview filmnya yah, blogsbum. You know i'm twilight saga freaker yah ;p
Filmnya yah biasa deh banyak yang dipotong gitu. Jadi ga seluruh isi novelnya diceritain disitu. Yah ngerti sih novelnya tebel gitu tapi yah karna situasi nya banyak yg diubah jd agak kecewa aja gitu.
Back to the topic...
Trus kita nonton eclipse nih dan gue kepengen banget beli popcorn tapi gue tahan demi menghemat uang haha. Eh pas makan malah makan pasta full cheese + cappucino blended -_____- dimana letak hematnyaaaaaa videe.
dan gue sama laras uring-uringan sambil cekikikan gara-gara menu makanannya ini haha.
AAAA can't wait to meet her again ;)
I just wanna make sure that you guys open those link by clicking the tittle above the picture


Sebelumnya gue mau cerita kalo jumat kemarin gue dateng ke central park sama Pijjey. Dan gue sempet takut gak kebagian tiket -___-"
I've called kak Erik (Gilang's brother) buat nanya detailnya beberapa kali tapi tetep aja takut. Untungnya gue ikutan forum idol beberapa hari sebelum spekta jadi gue dapet tiket spekta deh hihi. Pas gue masuk eh Ginears nya udah pada masuk ternyata, untung gue nggak nungguin didepan ;)
And the show's begin.... yeay...
Here's some exclusive picture from my phone and my mommy's phone (saking takut lowbatt jadi bawa hp 2 :p)

yeay Indonesian Idol ;p






Ini siapa? Gilaaang hihi. Ini pas Gilang dan kontestan lainnya lagi nontonin si daniel ;p

.jpg)
He played drum!!! Cool
.jpg)



Gilang - Mengejar Matahari ;)
pas spekta selesai gue sempet foto foto sama Gilang dan ngobrol sebentar loh haha. gak tau sih dianya masih inget atau nggak. I gave him a prize too hihi. Hope you like it ;) cuma bantal bola brazil nickelodeon hihi (belinya stand dora di central park :p)
Ini baru sebagian gambarnya. Sebagian akan gue post di blog gilang yah ;) Enjoy xoxo
Cheers, videe
udah cek belum?
nih ada gambar gilang yang baru ;)
Ini pas event off-airnya indonesian idol di meet and greet indonesian idol.

In this picture: Igo and Gilang. They sang 'Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku-Afgan'

In this picture: Six Finalists of Indonesian Idol

Nah kalo gambar ini diambil kemarin pas kemarin Ray dan Gilang berhasil membuat kue dengan tema musik :p
Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa ke
Dan jangan lupa dukung Gilang dengan cara ketik GILANG kirim ke 9288
sebanyak-banyaknya yah! ;
Dukungnya pas line voting udah dibuka jumat nanti jam 17.00 oke!
Buat yang masih mau komen bisa langsung komen ke shoutloud box disebelah kanan blog ini (yg warna biru-kuning itu loh). Dan makasih yah buat yg udah komen ;)
Thanks xoxo ;p
cheers - videe
like i've said before, i'm fallin in love with this guy hihi. And you should support him too okay!
One of indonesian idol finalists who named Gilang is need your support to go to the next level.
Want to know more about him? Feel free to join at
Here i want to share his picture:




Do support Gilang okay!!
Jumat nanti Gilang bakal bawain lagu Mengejar Matahari - Ari Lasso (ost mengejar matahari)di tema soundtrack film.
ketik GILANG dan kirim ke 9288
atau lewat telepon rumah kamu ke 0809-1000-9xx (nomor urut tampilnya Gilang)
atau bagi pengguna indosat blackberry, bisa langsung vote dari app idol. Bisa 5x vote dalam 1 kali klik loh! :)
Vote ketika line voting udah dibuka yaah.
Yang mau comment post ini bisa langsung ke comment post/ ke shoutloud box yg ada di sebelah kanan (yg warna biru-kuning itu) :)
Thanks guys! ;)
My exam is already finished and im about to wait my score. yeah im waiting to see the great scores :P
Btw, i'm in love with one of idol finalist named Gilang haha. Actually, i love his voice since i saw him on yogya's audition but i haven't post it yet ;)
well, i will post it later yaw. Stay tune!

Wrdrobe: unbranded white t-shirt from mangga dua square, nefertiti statement necklace, tartan skirt(forget where to buy), canvas shoes from MKG :)
and it is what i wear (lupa dipake pas pergi kemana haha)

wardrobe: Black cardigan - my mommy's, unbranded white t-shirt from mangga dua square, nefertiti's necklace, nefertiti's black ribbon headband, canvas shoes from MKG ;)
mungkin udah ada yg bosen sama promote-an gue tapi ini gue promoin lagi yah...
He needs your supports ;)
Feel free to join at here:

ps: i changed this picture routinely so you won't see the same picture ;)
Dukung GILANG dengan cara ketik GILANG kirim ke 9288 ;)
Dukung pas line voting udah dibuka yah thanks ;)
every vote means a lot ;)
thanks guys atas semua komen di shoutboxnya ;)
May be, i won't write some new posts for several days because i have final exams of this smstrs ;)
Wish Me Luck!
Pray for me, people ;)
i want to have great score ;)
Cheers - videe ♥
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I can smile. I can smile. I can smile. And i still can laugh loudly if you want to listen :p
But it might be not a truly me. That's all :)
I smile.
I smile.
I smile.
I smile.
I laugh.
I laugh.
I laugh.
Anyway, I'm wasting my money. The blue one. For what?! Some ice cream(s). Hm actually many ice creams :p
You know what i mean, guys.
You know.
And I'm craving to meet my $$$$$$$$ (?)
:) « i talked to you again and i said that i smile. Even my smile might be not as sweet as the smiling icon.
Yeah. Take care, boy.
At least, there is a wish that God answered.
I ever wished like that.
'I don't care that i shoul see you were lying by her side. Please just stay here.'
Taraaa. God answered it. Poor me.
Thank God :)
May be, I'm not that good.
Cheers, videe ♥
I don't know what I'm going to write in here. *ngapain masih aja ngepost?!*
I don't know how much i love this week haha.
Hm hm haha » stres
Yeah. They said hello to me when i was down and thought to say bye. Thanks ♥
And now I'm not thinking to say bye ;p hehe
Hello and welcome hello ♥
Can i have more more more and more than hello?! ;p
But, there are two things that i hate about this week -_-
1. Yeah. I don't like to think about you and her, even somebody said that it's might be only my negative thinking. Whatever. Even her status still with another boy, not you. But yeah -_-
2. I hate this long weekend.
I'm not saying that I'm in love. I'm just saying that lately you're all I think about.
they say nothing last forever. would you be my nothing?! ♥
Videe ♥
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Thanks acaci hahaha
I love the way you called my name ♥
Wish me luck ♥
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Videe ♥
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But. I realize even i've another crush with Aum and Acaci. My love into them is not big enough like my love into keys. Crazy?! May be. Whatever you said, i can't handle my love into him.
I love him more than i can say.
I love him more than you'll ever know.
Love. Love. Love
Kiddybumbum - videe
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Yesterday, my friend and i went to internet corner. Do some email thingy. And please pray for us for that thing aw-kay :p
Yupp, that's why you see a lil bit difference with my blog. Yesterday, i only have lil time to edit my blog. And sorry, there are some blog links that i forgot to link :(
It's because i delete my old gadget which named 'happy blogsbum' (yeah ur blog link) and then i added a gadget again which named 'blogsbum' (nu blog link). If i forgot to link ur blog again, i should say sorry.
Later, i'll edit it again ;)
Well, keep praying for me and my friend okay.
Videe ♥
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Gue sebeeeeeeeeel! Aaaaaa :'(
Komputer gue ber-akting udh kayak apaan aja deh ah :( front page gue gimana ini :'( si papa ditanyain malah ngomong 'gatau.gatau' hell - yeaaaah!
I'm too angry to be cute tonight
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I just in love with my saturday! Haha full of laugh. Yaaaah gue emang suka ketawa tapi bukan berarti gue gila haha xp xp
My computer group: me, retta, nopi, septi and rahma decide to go to anas's at saturday! Yeah. Working on my group task and also having fun! Haha
Since we arrived at the station, we already had so much fun untiiiiiil we are separated when 'go home time' arrived.
Crazzines make us laugh over and over haha. It's so fuuun!!
When i arrived at my home. I do prepare myself to go to gading. Yeah hm tepatnya, gue nyusulin haha. Craving for foods! Hehe
Hm actually i want to write everything about my saturday but i think my thumbs will be..... ;p
I wish you had a wonderful saturday ;)
Videe ♥♥
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Uh I'm still in love with biyu! Haha
It looks like hmm it's not yet completed -_- yeah I'm still waiting for my 'mobile modem' :'(
I miss do my blog thigy in front of my notebook. I miss uploaded picture in my blog. I miss do some re-arrange my blog. I miss you *lah curcol* hahaha :p
My mom tell me that she will buy me that things but (again) i should wait. Patient. Uh i think, i can't wait any longer. I can't. Or may be i don't want.
Since, i just post from my cute phone, i'll tell you only story. Without picture aw-kay ;)
But hmmm sometimes i think, i should post picture, yeah even only 1 or two ;)
Thanks for reading.
Videe xoxo ♥
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I just want you to even only say hello.
I doubt, it's gonna be a sweet hello.
Love ♥
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Why? Yeah this month, i have a lot of things that i should pay or buy.
First, a prize for my mommy's bday.
Second, i should prepare my money to grab ramen with my friend. I don't know how much i'll waste my money here. But i love ramen haha xp fave!
Third, my phone's connection or simple called it BIS BB on 14th. And i don't know where's i get this money.
Fourth, adings gigs. Yeah i have to prepare money for hanging out with my friend. It's just like 'long time no see' xp
Fifth, my trackball should be fixed. It's kinda hard to scroll down.
Sixth, mobile modem! Hahaha i don't think that i can buy myself this thing! Mom :'(
And the whole things are important for me. Help me, God. Give me money.
Or simple called it, i need simple job! :'(
Help me!
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Hehehe welcome more calories -_-
I think even i do sit up thingy or diet (only if i remember), i can't avoid my self from oreo hahaha
Mood booooost!
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Haha long time no post? :p
sorry, i haven't change my broken 'modem' -_-
Hm you know what, this saturday (24th), I'm going to ambassador and itc kuningan. My dad bought new toy for me. Why i called it toy? Hahaa i love this like i love my toys ;p
Hm i called it 'si biru' or 'biyu'. I prefer the second names ;p
What's that? It's my new notebook! Hahaha *finally you know what is biyu*
It has 12 inch monitor. Yeah cool enough for me. My dad made some budget to bought me this notebook + mobile modem. Buuuttttt, 'biyu' is exceed those budget. So, my 'cool' dad didn't buy me new mob-modem :(
My mom told me that she will buy me that mob-modem later. Ha-ha. I don't know when. -_-
Craving for do post from my biyu. Uh uh
Well, I'm feeling great to have you, biyu. ♥
Videe :D
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This evening, i just saw my fav. snack has a twitter account! Ihiy! Of course, i do follow them directly. If only all of my tweets about you arrived on your twitter, i think you'll get some headache thingy hehe. Yaps. Almost all of my friends know that I'm oreo big fan ;)
And then, tonight, oreo make some gift-away quiz. The prize is an oreo package. Uh! I'm so excited!!! I do Re-tweet their tweet. And they gave a question 'kenapa kamu pantas dikasih paket oreo?'
And it's my answer, i copied from my twitter:
From: @videeAdriany
Sent: Apr 16, 2010 22:41
Kenapa pantes dikasih paket oreo? Cause oreo is my only one breakfast menu everyday @hanyaoreo
sent via UberTwitter
On Twitter:
And i win!! I'm one of those winner. *look at that picture*
Look at my twitter's bio. There's oreo at there. It is written by me about long time ago ;)
Thanks oreo. You know what, i love you as always! ♥♥♥
You're such my cute mood booster when i get down or sad or mad or whatever. You're my great friend!!
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I don't realize that my mid test in second semester will come about several days later -_-"
Ye----ah i don't realize!
You know what, i guess I've done with my loooooong holiday for 1st semester yesterday.
Mid test, I'm coming!! I don't wanna hide from you. I'll face you *wink*!!
I just worried with accounting thingy -_-" i understand about this lesson. I can do this but i can't close my book. I just not yet remember all of that.
well, i typed this post at 23.07 hahaha I'm so sleepy but i am working my notes.
So see ya ;)
Kiddybumbum - videe ♥
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Look at the picture ;D
I'm so happy!!!!
You know what, i am a winner of shoes gift-away from jelovest!!! Aaaaaaa I'm happy ♥♥
the whole story:
I save my phone's batt and i don't turn it on since it was fully charged in the morning. I turned it on about 11am. And then i get notif email (from twitter's dm). Yeap, that message is from jelovest! They told me that i am a winner ;)
I repeat aw-kay.
I win that shoes gift-away!!
Happy!! *typewhiledancing* ;p
I don't know anything about that shoes. It's kinda surprise for me later. Absolutely, that shoes gonna be awesome! I can't wait till the shoes come to my house some weeks later may be. Can't wait! ;D
I'll post that shoes here of course ;)
Ps: wanna lucky like me?? Oh girl, it's so easy! follow them on twiter » » then, do retweet all of their info and of course, do promote about them ;)
Cheers ♥
Videe ;)
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1. kamu pernah tidak naik kelas?
- nggak pernah
2. pernahkah kamu di hukum scorsing?
- nggak pernah dongs kan akyu baik hoahahah ;p
3. pernah ngejek guru?
- hm never directly of course ;)
4. IPA / IPS?
- ips! ;p
5. pernah ranking?
- yes!
6. rangking waktu SMU / SMP / SD?
- SD: juara 1 and umum, SMP: 3 sampe 5 besar, SMU: disekolah gue ga ada rangking2an tapi gapernah remed rapot ;p
7. pelajaran apa yang kamu paling benci?
- nothing ;p hahaha *lying* i don't like math but i don't hate it ;)
8. Mana Pertanyaannya??
- bingung amat ini -_- haha
9. apakah IQ kamu di atas 100?
- iya kayaknya, di sertifikat sih gitu hehe
10. apakah kamu sering berpandangan negatif?
- kadang kadang aja kok ;p
11. pernah di setrap?
- pernah hahaha
12. gara2 apa?
- pas maju 1-1 math gitu trs pd gabisa sebarisan, jd di strap deh hhahaha
13. dihukum apa?
- diri sampe ada yg bs ngerjain soal-nya
17. suka musik jenis apa?
- jazz, pop, rnb
18. bisa membaca not balok?
- yg kayak toge itu kan? Bisa dikit dikit haha
19. suka musik mellow?
- suka, kan bisa sekalian curcol hahaha ;p
20. kamu tahu siapa penemu gitar?
- yamaha kali hahahaha ;p
21. punya band?
- nggak punya, but i played as back.voc for my bro's band ;)
22. sering menggunakan telpon?
- banget hahaha ;D
23. apakah kamu sering tidak membalas sms teman kamu?
- nggak dong, i do reply anything except pulsanya abis haha
24. kamu suka chat??
- suka :)
25. kamu suka jalan2 ama temen2 kamu?
- suka banget gellaaa lo, masa gue gasuka sih *gajelas*
26. mall atau outdoor?
- both ;)
27. kamu sering salting?
- skrg jg lg salting *tersipusipu* hahaha
28. kamu jaim yah?
- kadang kadang sih
29. Kamu suka bangga sama diri sendiri?
- kadang kadang tp jarang (?) *bingung gak sih lo? Gue aja bingung*
30. apa yang kamu lakukan jika teman2mu membicarakanmu?
- biasa aja, gue cuekin aja :) toh kesannya gue jd 'penting' bagi mereka ;p
32. kalo pendendam?
- nggak, tp sk keinget dikit aja :)
33. kamu humoris?
- hahaha me likey ;)
34. teman seperti apa yang kamu suka?
- be here for me when I'm sad or happy and make me the first one who'll know what his/her problem/condition :) and i'll be there ;) ♥
35. orang seperti apa yang kamu tidak suka?
- yg sombong banget, yg sok, yg sk ngelupain orang kalo udh pny temen baru, yg makan temen kyk sumanto (?)
36. pernahkah ada orang yang kamu ingin kenal tapi tidak berani kenalan?
- nah!! Nyindir amat ini pertanyaan yak -_- seriiiiiiing :(
37. kamu pandai mengekspresikan perasaan?
- maksudnya? Sepertinya tidak haha
38. perasaan kamu skrg?
- tidak berperasaan *sadis nggak?* ;p
Have a nice day, blogsbum ;) ♥
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I do post from my phone (again) -_-
you know what, a sweet movie which I'm waiting for is already in cinemas ;)
Eveeeeen only midnite -_- yep that means only several days again i can't watch that!!! Yippie!!
Firstly, i don't care about the whole story. If there was rob-patz, i'll watch it for sure ;) ♥ xoxo. You know what, I'm in love with him not because edward cullen or twilight thingy, i love him since i saw him some yeaaaars ago on google things. Yes, I'm in loveee hahahaha.
Secondly, he played as Cedric Diggory in Harrypotter and the goblet of fire. He's so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet aaaaaaa muach! Hahaha. And i love him until now ♥
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Long time no post and actually i don't get my promise to be online on my pc or my laptop -_- I'm sorry, it's because I've got so many homework and re-notes to do! :(
But I'm promise, i'll do that!! :)
Btw, today my mouth and the whole face was tired hahaha. Why? I love to laugh all day long hahahaa. Today, my friends came to my home. We did our group project and it's almost done! ;). We talked about many things hahaha -_- and i don't how to review it in this blog cause its so friggin fun! ;)
And anyway, do pray for me to get what i want yups *winkwinktomydad* hahaha ;p
I want an important gadget that i want to have. Even i already have that but it's getting 'weird' this year -_- aw-kay :D
Have a nice weekend :)
cheers - videe ♥
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Please just scroll down to the previous post which containt jelovest's short review ♥
Have a great saturday blogsbum
Videe ♥
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