Selamat Ulang Tahun, Videe :p

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hello blogsbum ;)
I'm a birthday girl today! :p
Thanks guys for all wishes, gifts ( from my parents, lil brother, and besties! :* ), and greets.
Aw so happy today! \☺/
Even, you guys (anas, retta, detria, della, noor, selly, any, ridha) made me look like a cake with all of your flour, egg, soy sauce, and i don't know what else -_-"
Thanks for you careness, friends :*
Love you all :*

And thanks for all of my other best friends, rika, pijjey, laras, windy, oh my should i explain one by one?! :p i love you all guys :* kisses and hugs from me :* :* :*

With love,

A nineteenth years old girl, Videe :* ♥

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