It's about favourite. It's about taste. And it's about music.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello blogsbum, it's kinda so long time no long post rite?! Eh not for so long i thought :p

I'm going to tell you that.........
My midtests are already tshooo tshoo away :p \☺/ hahaha. Now I'm craving for hanging-out-thingy :p

And you can guess what I'm going to post here in spite of my post tittle, rite?! Yeah I'm in love with this guy for 52362139635136632622304718513 times hihi hahaha. He's a really awesome, handsome singer and also hm hm hm nyah! I lost my words to describe him :p

Can i have him for my birthday wish?! Hahahaha *jedagjedug* *ditabokin*

I love the way he sing a song.
It's more than just 'the best'. ♥


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