Status updateeee

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hallo again my lovely blogsbumbumpyaaaar hehe ;p
Di posting sebelumnya gue sempet bilang kalo gue sama pijjey bikin status status gitu kan :)
Ini dia status yang kita udah rancang, tapi gak jadi diupdate hehehe
*Our first:
you are my half soul, but i don't know, whether you think so or not . Please make a choice! Can you choose me or leave me alone . (Gak jadi dipake)
*Second update status:
i'm confused because of you, make me sure about this feeling. i know that we feel the same but i am still not sure about it. (Gak jadi dipake wehehe)
--- Besok paginya (minggu pagi), pijjey nelpon eh lagi seru² mati² mulu jadinya kita morning conversation gitu lagi di msn and I'm happyyyy to hear that jeys haha prikitiw ;p trus kita bikin status lagi jengjengjeng
The third one which made in the morning : Do you really choose me?! If it was true, said it loud again. If it was only a dream, please don't wake me up ;p tapi gak jadi dipake juga, yang jadi dipake itu the fourth update which i don't wanna post here hihi, secret baby ;p
FYI, semalem gue sempet msn-an sama keys loh hihi gitu aja gue girangnya naujubileh ;p yayaya walaupun dia hanya mengucapkan 3 kata kepadaku huuu. Uh oh bukan "i love you" loh, maunya sih gitu tapi apa day hihi. 3 katanya yah cuma "hehe iya" sama "Engga" hahaha. That's enough to make me can't sleep successfully ;p. And now is his girl's birthday loh. I'm okay even my heart and mind didn't feel that. Take your time princess. I don't get mad with you even i know that i love your boy earlier than you.

Kiddybumbum - videe :)
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