Daily Activities

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Hallo blogsbum :)
Glad to see you after edit my blog's layout and its details hehe. Please leave some comments in my shoutmix box which named "Shout It Loud" hihi ;p

Hmm whatsuptodayyyy??
Hari ini hari anti korupsi kan yah blogsbum?! But calm down, I'm not going to post about that hihi. It's not my liability *tsaaah ;p

Hari ini gue kuliyeaaaah jam setengah 11 dan gue berangkat naik busway jam setengah 10, padahal rumah gue gak terlalu jauh, tapi namanya juga busway, kadang cepet kadang lemseeee -,- ya kan?

Trus pas sampe di kramat gitu, gue sms temen gue.
"Hey, tempatin gue yah pkn"
Fyi, my lesson for today is pendidikan kewarganegaraan which the teacher is very rare to be seen :(
Back to Text message topic ya ..
She replied my text message:
"Yah dee, w sm nak2 kyknya mau cabut kwn deh neng hehe"

Jeeeegeeeers, gue udah jalan yah, masa gue pulang nih -,- tapi yasudahlah gue melanjutkan my half trip to campuss *tsah ;p

Pas sampe disana, gue mati gaya, jadinya ya cuma update twitter doang. Ehhh setelah 1,5 jam nunggu itu bapak gak muncul juga :( so we decided to go home.

And then I updated my blog and its details, hope you all enjoy this guys ;)

Enough, see yaaa in other posts

Kiddybumbum - videe

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