Quotes and Words
Tuesday, February 01, 2011"Giving a suggestion or an advice to others is easy. But giving that advice to yourself is another story. It'll be so damn hard like trying to draw something in the sky."
Created by: Videe Adriany
Yay or nay?
Well, i know my statement is true. No doubt. It doesn't mean that i could advice my self well.
I think, you'd better ask someone else when you had a problem.
It will give you two results:
1. You can get some good advices from them. They'll be your first supporter that will push you up when you felt you can't do it. You'll face some hands that will catch you when you fall down.
2. You will get yourself feeling more 'bad'. You might think that your friends can say some advices easily cause they're not in your position. They can't feel the real condition. Well, it's a half true and a half worse.
I just wrote my opinion, guys.
It'll get awkward when you got to meet someone that thought you had never face a big problem like him/her.
Noted that everybody has his or her own problem.
Everybody has his/her ability and disability.
Everybody has his/her limit.
Everybody has his/her opinion.
Then, my advice is if you had a problem, you should tell it to your best friends/parents or anyone that you trust. Asking their advice is better.
Then if you thought you can't do that, at least you should throw it away in a piece of paper.
Ps: if my words or my quotes were already written by someone else, you should believe that i didn't know. Everything i wrote is made by only me xoxo
Have a nice day ♥
Videe ;)
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