A vacation?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

If you have a chance to choose a country that you really want to visit or stay there for a long time, where you will be?

For me, it's absolutely UK!
Yes. United Kingdom!
I don't know why i got some kinda addicted-thingy with this country since i was child!
Sadly, my mom or my dad don't come from there haha :p I'm proud to be an Indonesian. But again, if i could choose a country for a vacation (not Indonesia), i'll choose UK! Yeay!
I love almost all the things from there.
I love football team from there even i don't understand too much -_-
I love UK. I don't know why. Addicted.
And, how bout you?

Have a nice day, Blogsbum ♥


Ps: if you have or may be you know about job vacancies in writing thing, you can contact me anytime! ♥

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