
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hellooooo blogsbum ;)
I'm still on my holidays. I have 23 more free days. I don't have enough money to hanging out along the day. If you were me, what would you do?
Talking about holidays, what's your dream holiday?
My dream holidays are....
1. Go to UK
LOL. As always, i put UK as the most wanted place for me :P l looooove this country so much without any reason. I really want to go there so bad. Well, i know, i will, someday. *wishing*

2. Reading a lot of new novels
Well, I'm a novel freak! I love to read! I love the smell of new books. I can't help myself to stop reading when i have some new novels.

3. Some good musics.
Listen to good musics, sing your favorite so songs, read some good novels, watch my favorite movies. Aw, they're my favorite that can't be replaced by anything.

4. Having some ice cream.
I know, i know, may be you're bored with me. I've been telling you for kazillion times for kazillion days *sigh* If world's only have some magics, one of the should be ice cream.

5. Hanging out with friends.
Laughing together. Laughing at many things.

6. Shopping.
Buying my favorite things. Buying some new clothes, dresses, novels.

7. Going to bookstore.
I love this place. My friend called me 'duta gramed' -_-" i go this place so often. Not everyday. Ps: tapi nggak tau setiap ini anak bbm/ym gue dan nanya gue dimana. Selalu kebetulan pas gue di gramed. -_-"

I finished \☺/
Well, what's your favorite holidays?

Videe ♡

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