Quote - miris

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"It's important to know when to let go of someone who only brings you down."

Just got that quote from somebody in twitter. I ♥ that words.
Tapi miris aja gue -_-
Itu artinya dia, iya gue harus ngelepas dia, selepas-lepasnya. Tapi gue bingung, apa yang mau gue lepas? I never hold you even for one minute, rite?
He brings me down without make me hod him. Miris? Tentu sajaaaaaaaa.
Sedih? Pasti iya.
Gue tau dia orang ter-impossible buat gue miliki, tapi gue gak pernah maksain diri gue buat miliki 'keys'. Buat jadi temennya aja udah dreaming abis. Buat kenal aja susah.
Gue cuma mau jadi sahabatnya atau orang yg bisa deket sama keys.

Kiddybumbum - videe
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