Nothing special---

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hhhh back again to this condition when i get to fall in the same hole again and again!

What kind of holes? i can't describe it in here and i can't explain it for my self -_-
I feel like emptiness killing me.
Lonely. Alone. And nobody like to treat me right.
Mungkin udah banyak yah posting gue yang isinya kayak gini, serupa tapi tak samaaaa -_-
Itu kayak ngegambarin kalo gue bener bener gak punya orang yang mau ngeluangin waktu sebentar aja buat care sama gue atau selalu ada buat gue dan gua akan selalu ada buat dia. Sahabat.
God, please send real soulmate and friends for me :'(
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