Virtual? Real? No, they are FRIENDS.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Hello blogsbum ;)
Do you ever have some virtual friends? I've some good virtual friends, i mean 'great virtual friends' :) And i really thank God for them.
Hmm, honestly I've got some good friends from facebook and twitter. But, not all people in my facebook or twitter is my friend. Even i won't add someone/ follow someone if i don't know him/her.
If you follow my twitter (@videeadriany), you'll find me mention some names. Like: @pijjeylicious @larasatiprmhndn, @windyokt, @ninasapphira, @gadisakira, @lalatiara and some other names.
I met them in virtual world. I already met them in real life. I love to call them my bestfriends because they don't act like virtual friends. And i don't think i could call them 'virtual friends' anymore because we already spent so many times together for real. They're good for real. Virtual world is only the place that God makes til we can meet. I hope we can be just like this until the end of time.
Some of you may think that virtual friends can't do 'real' things like our real friends can do. I can say it's not true. But. Again. Not all the people in virtual world can't be called as friends. I love to hear their stories even it's already late night. I love when they sent me message about my favorites that i think, i haven't told them. It means they know me. ♥
Don't ever put your virtual friends in the second place because they can be your real friends for real. And also don't ever forget your real friends because of your virtual friends. In short, do balance! ;) ♥
Love all your friends!
I love all of my best friends (every single name that I've put on my posts, campuss mate, Sk-mate, Sw-mate) :P
Cheers ♥
Videe ♥
Ps: don't forget to do some little attentions to your friends! Xo
1 blablablah
nyaw :") aku terharuuuu. hahahha lebay. anw,thank you pidihee... ayo kita pkk-an bareng. uhuy