[Concert Review] 2PM GO CRAZY LIVE IN Jakarta!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015


My fangirling side will explode here in one, two, threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jadi, my biggest addiction, my first love, my biggest loooooooove, my real loveeeeeeeeee yang membawa gue ke dunia perkoreaan adalah......... 2PM! Dan akhirnya mereka bawa Go Crazy tour ini ke Jakarta. Walaupun awalnya gue sempet sedih banget karena konsernya tuh sempet diundur gitu. Rencana awalnya itu Desember 2014 malah mundur ke 28 Maret 2015. Sempet ngetok meja dan ngucap "pait-pait", "amit-amit" kalau sampai batal, kudu kayak gimana, pasti sedih bangeeeeet ;((((

Dan gue ga pernah nyangka kalau ke-LUCKY-an gue ada di per tupiem-an ini, soalnya gue dapet Hi Touch gitu sama mereka. OMG, so yes i hi touch-ed them already (evil laugh). Buat yang komentar, "ih apa sih tos doang": SERAH ELU. BYE. So, i am gonna tell you about that hi touch session that happened so fast for me. So, i was kinda amazed with their skin and face and everything, because they are all moreeee handsome if you see them closer. They made sure that we have eye contact with them before hi touch-ed their hands. (pls, i typed this story with my mouth went to ear *grinning)

So, i remembered how Taecyeon stood there as the last member. But, i couldn't focus because Khun was so close and i couldn't breath. So i almost skipped taec and already faced the stair to go down but i haven't went down. Then Taec made a cute sound like "uuuhuh" and made his arms longer so his hands was in front of my face, and i laughed and said sorry and touched his hands and he laughed a little (insert big smile icon here). That's it. But i still feel my heart racing everytime i thought about that. LOLOLOL.

And the next day was the concert day. I queued since 7am. LOL. I told you that i don't like watching everyone's head. lol. And lucky me, i got the very front row and even got to holding the bar (?). Unfortunately i couldn't take more pictures of my man a.k.a Wooyoung but had a plenty of Taec because he sat down and drank his mineral bottles in front of me. And i suddenly want to born as that bottle. LOL slap!

And the concert went GREAT! I LOVE THEM SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Jun. K's voice is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! And every single member is so good! I MISS THEM ALREADY :(((

Yes, Taec, Jakarta is panas indeed!

I don't want you to go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay huhu

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